Friday, May 28, 2010


On Tuesday we visited the Pena home, a lovely place that will house future teams.  They are still waiting for their furniture to arrive.  Our team prayed together for Rachel and Roberto, that their home would be filled with God's presence and that it would be a place of rest and refuge for them. We soaked our feet in the cold pool water, and Judy and Marlyn rested before the team departed for the airport and the long flight home.  Mission accomplished!

Mission Accomplished!

Soaking our feet in the pool before the long plane ride home

MONDAY Visits to the School and the Orphanage

MONDAY  began with a trip to the orphanage.  Roberto and Rachel are passionate about helping these children rise out of their difficult circumstances, find Christ, and pursue their divine destiny in Jesus.  Rachel showed us the muddy field of contaminated soil, where the playground and soccer field formerly existed.  The girls were fascinated by Marlyn's french manicure.  We met the orphanage workers and encouraged them in their important work.

Then we went to the school, where Roberto has established a training center in which young men and women can learn a trade and learn how to support themselves.  The four-story building houses a woodworking shop on the ground floor; and Roberto showed us some of the projects the boys are currently making.  The top floors will house young adults attending the school.  Lots of work remains on the building before it is in top operating condition.

Marlyn gives orphanage worker a gift

Judy talks to orphanage girls peeking at her through their dorm window

Judy and Audrey and the children


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